
Monday, January 16, 2012

A New Year, A New Post - Finally!

Happy 2012 everyone!

Happy "already the middle of January 2012"!

My goodness! How the time flies and the New Year is already TWO whole weeks over with!

One of my "not written down anywhere but they’re in my head” New Year’s Resolutions was to get back to this tiny start I’d made into the blogging world in 2011. However, like all good intentions, LIFE has a way of stepping in and pushing some of those intentions aside. Yet I will not let that stop me from working towards my goals because otherwise, let’s face it, if I did that I would probably never accomplish anything in life.

So let’s recap these first two weeks in our crazy house….

Week one I was busy finishing up the holidays which included putting away Christmas (little man wasn’t too happy about that) and having my sweet hubby home for TWO whole Mondays in a row! FYI, this NEVER happens and it is usually a cardinal rule that he is NOT available on Mondays for anything outside of work. This can really be hard because a lot of my “specialty” Doctors ONLY see patients on MONDAYS. Ugh! Very frustrating for all involved and sometimes hubby has to make an exception to said “rule”, such as my upcoming Cardiology/Echo/Fetal Echo appointment in Houston.  

Also during “Week One” I was finishing up preparations for hosting a close friend’s Baby Shower, which happened to fall on the first Saturday of the New Year. Then we had a scare a couple of days before the shower that it wasn’t going to happen after all (don’t worry Baby and Momma are both fine!) but things starting looking up at the last minute and we proceeded as planned. Thankfully, we ended up having a wonderful (yet exhausting) time and there is no way I could have done ANY of it without the several other hostesses or my sweet hubby.

food table at the shower

Which leads us into week TWO…

My wonderful in laws had taken “little man” home during the baby shower so we (hubby and I) could have some rest time (which my pregnant, tired self REALLY needed) and they could have some grandson play time. Unfortunately for all involved I got a call about 2hrs into my glorious nap saying little man was throwing up, several times. And at this point in time, NINE days later, we’re still not done with (hence why I’ve not accomplished ANYTHING all week). So fast forward some and Monday of week two I got the stomach bug. Tuesday hubby/daddy flew out for a trip, a Bachelor Party Ski Trip – yeah so jealous (of the trip, NOT the skiing). Then when we went to convalesce at my parent’s we ended up sharing the stomach bug with them! My poor sweet parents! Add in a late night trip to the Pediatric Urgent Care to the week with loads of laundry/clean up and we’re caught up with 2012 as it has been thus far. Oh, and for the record hubby/daddy did come home (I’m not sure if I would have) and life is starting to return to “normal” as we know it.

Little Man before the "puke fest" began...

AND, for the record puking while 26 weeks pregnant with a very active baby is very, interesting

Lastly, I want to say that during these “trying” (I use the term VERY lightly) weeks I saw and felt the Grace of God many times over, as we prayed for safety and health in my friend’s pregnancy and when I was sobbing holding a puking 2 ½ year old by myself. God has definitely been good and gracious and I’m thankful to be HIS child everyday. And so thankful for a wonderful family and support system here on earth as well!

WELCOME 2012!!

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